22 de novembro de 2018

South-South and Triangular Cooperation for health and development highlighted in the 6th Brazil Africa Forum

At the end of the first day of the 6th Forum of Brazil, the South-South and Triangular Cooperation for Health and Education panel was moderated by […]
22 de novembro de 2018

IBRAF e Fiocruz anunciam parceria e lançam curso voltado para jovens africanos em 2019

Nesta quinta-feira (22), durante o 6° Fórum Brasil África, a presidente da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Nísia Trindade, anunciou, juntamente com o presidente do Instituto Brasil África, […]
22 de novembro de 2018

IBRAF and Fiocruz announce a partnership and launch course for young Africans in 2019

On Thursday, November 22, 2018, during the 6th Forum Brazil Africa, the president of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Nísia Trindade, announced, together with the president of […]