6th Forum Brazil Africa strengthens relations between Portuguese-speaking countries

UN agencies in the 6th Brazil Africa Forum
26 de outubro de 2018
Volunteers: results of the selection
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Strengthening ties and stimulating new partnerships among Portuguese-speaking countries are among the missions of the 6th Brazil Africa Forum – Youth Empowerment: Transformation to Achieve Sustainable Development. The event, which will be held on November 22 and 23 in Salvador, Bahia, has the confirmed presence of lusophony leaders in the panel of speakers.

Former President of East-Timor, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and world reference in the fight to promote human rights, José Ramos-Horta will share experiences in the “Meet the Icon” session, entitled “The Role of Young People in Promoting Democracy and peace”.

“Brazil-Africa relations are extremely important for history, for geographical connection, for human solidarity. Brazil can further build this Atlantic bridge between the American continent and the African continent. With great pleasure I will contribute to the debate of ideas on this extremely important theme which is the empowerment of youth” says Ramos-Horta.

The Executive Secretary of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP), Maria do Carmo SIlveira will attend the session “Creative Industry”. “I think our presence will be an important act to strengthen relations,” says the Secretary.

Vice-president of the Federation of the Entrepreneurs Women of the CPLP (FME-CPLP) and CEO of the Cine Group, Mônica Monteiro will also take part in in the panel “Creative Industry”.

Minister of Agriculture and Food Security of Mozambique, Higino Francisco de Marrule debates the panel on youth employability in agriculture.

Secretary General of the g7 +, an association of 20 conflict-affected countries in the Pacific, Asia, Africa and the Caribbean, Hélder da Costa will attend the session “High Level Partnerships”. “Discussing and seeking solutions to the role of young people would be a significant step for us and for humanity” says Hélder da Costa.

Maria da Conceição Nobre Cabral, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Communities of Guinea-Bissau, will also attend the session “High level partnerships”.

The 6th Brazil Africa Forum also will have the participation of the former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defense of Brazil, Celso Amorim, and the former Minister of Health of Brazil, José Gomes Temporão.

The event should bring together 300 representatives from governments, companies, universities and potential investors to exchange experiences and generate good opportunities for young people in Brazil and in African countries. Among the various organizations that support the 6th Forum Brazil Africa Forum are the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Centre for Excellence Against Hunger of the WFP, the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), the African Export-Import Bank (AFREXIMBANK), UNITAID and the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP).