Paulo Gomes | Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Africa-South East Asia Chamber of Commerce
Global business leader, environmentalist and leading political figure in Guinea-Bissau, known for his commitment to the country’s stability and prosperity. Founder of the Bissau Economic Forum, currently in its second edition. With in-depth knowledge of African politics, developed through his political involvement and his role as Executive Director at the World Bank, he founded Paulo Gomes and Partners, a strategic advisory and investment company. With a wide network of alliances with private equity funds and family offices, Paulo is co-founder and Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Africa-Southeast Asia Chamber of Commerce. In Guinea-Bissau, he is creating an experimental center to promote green jobs in the Bijagós islands. In Guinea-Bissau, he is creating an experimental center that brings together island communities, national and foreign researchers to promote training and the creation of green jobs on the protected Bijagós islands.

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