Meet Hélder da Costa, from g7+, the new confirmed speaker

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Helder da Costa joins the programming of the 6th Forum Brazil África, to be held in Salvador on 22 and 23 November 2018.

Check the complete schedule

Helder da Costa is General Secretary of the g7+ Secretariat, an association of 20 fragile and post-conflict affected countries, ranging from the Pacific, Asia, Africa and the Caribbean, based in Dili, Timor-Leste. It is a platform for sharing lessons and experiences among fragile and conflict affected states to support each other through peer learning in their self-led transitions from fragility to resilience, based on voluntarism, solidarity and cooperation. He served as Senior Advisor on Aid Effectiveness to the Ministry of Finance, Timor-Leste (2008-2014) and represented the g7+ in the Steering Committee of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation in 2012-2014.

Mr. Da Costa earned his PhD in Trade Policy at the University of Adelaide, South Australia in 2001. His professional career in management and academic fields included holding senior posts with both the Asia New Zealand Foundation and Volunteer Service Abroad (VSA) based in Wellington, New Zealand. He has also consulted for various international development agencies including UNDP, UN, ADB, World Bank, AusAID and ACIAR Australia. He has contributed a number of book chapters and articles in academic journals on development in fragile and post-conflict settings.

Read the interview with Hélder da Costa at ATLANTICO, a magazine published by Brazil Africa Institute