The transition to renewable energy is essential for a sustainable future, particularly in Africa, where growing energy demand poses challenges for policymakers. Renewable sources reduce dependence on fossil fuels while fostering economic growth, creating jobs, and expanding access in remote areas. Brazil serves as a success story, with a diverse energy matrix largely based on hydroelectric, wind, solar, and biomass. Its experience underscores the importance of public policies, investment in technology and infrastructure, and public-private collaboration.
Enio Verri | Brazilian General Director of Itaipu Binacional
Carlos Lopes | Honorary Professor at Nelson Mandela School of Public
Governance, Faculty of Commerce, University of Cape Town
Paulo Gomes | Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Africa-South East Asia
Chamber of Commerce
Ana Paula Hauffe Torquato | Institutional Relations Manager at WEG (TBC)
Format: Plenary | Room: Ballroom