Brazil has a long history of health cooperation with African countries
Health Diplomacy is a concept used by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) that seeks to establish international policies, reflections and actions based on the idea that health is a fundamental human right and represents a determining factor in development.
Following this concept, Fiocruz develops strategies focused on the principle of international solidarity and the promotion of equity in health to reinforce institutions such as Ministries, National Institutes of Health, Public Health Training Centers and Health Care Centers.
For the president of Fiocruz, Dr. Nísia Trindade, the partnerships with other countries are at the heart of the institution. With her participation in the Brazil Africa Forum 2020, she intends to highlight the strong cooperation already established with African countries and discuss strategies for the post-pandemic period.
“It’s an honor for me to participate, once again, in the Brazil Africa Forum. Fiocruz has a long history of science and health cooperation with African countries, especially Portuguese speaking ones. In this moment of crisis, we need to strengthen our ties. We will only be able to overcome the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic through a global coordination”.
Heading Fiocruz since 2017, Dr. Nísia Trindade has a Ph.D. in Sociology and has worked at the institution since 1987. The efforts to cope with the global health emergency due to the Zika virus and the work aimed at reorganizing Brazil’s public health systems are milestones in her career.