BDMG President to discuss financing sustainable projects
Implementing development projects, in any sector, requires attention to the possibilities to obtain adequate financial resources. For this reason, the various nuances that involve access to finance have been recurring issues in all editions of the Brazil Africa Forum.
Being no exception to the rule, the space for discussing the theme is guaranteed at the Brazil Africa Forum 2020: Overcoming the Challenges of Pandemic. What’s next?. The edition will bring together some relevant international and Brazilian financial institutions. One of them is the Development Bank of Minas Gerais (BDMG).
“At a time when the world faces enormous challenges, the Brazil Africa Forum is a privileged meeting space to discuss sustainable development, together with leaders and high-level professionals from Brazil and Africa”, states Sérgio Gusmão Suchodolski, President of BDMG.
In addition to heading BDMG, Sérgio Gusmão Suchodolsk leads the Brazilian Development Association (ABDE), which brings together the main development financial institutions in Brazil. He is also Director of the Executive Committee of the Latin American Association of Financial Institutions for Development (ALIDE) and was Director-General for Strategy and Partnerships at the New Development Bank, the BRICS bank.
“The dialogue, initiatives and cooperation between the two sides of the South Atlantic create opportunities for us to join forces to overcome the effects of the pandemic and to make feasible investments that generate positive impacts and deepen the historical ties that unite us”, Sérgio Gusmão Suchodolski.
At the Brazil Africa Forum 2020, Sérgio Gusmão Suchodolski shall share BDMG’s experience in financing innovative agricultural projects.
Among these projects are Jaíba, considered the largest irrigation project in Latin America during the 1980s, and PRODECER, which mobilized resources and provided technical assistance to small farmers in seven Brazilian states.
For the post-pandemic period, BDMG has sought to mobilize some international partners, such as the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the French Development Agency (AFD).
Last August, BDMG announced the raising of € 70 million in funds from AFD for specific lines of credit for companies of all sizes. The amount is earmarked for projects that have a socio-environmental approach and are in line with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).